i n d i g e n o u s s t u d i e s
selected essays, scholarly articles, introductions, and reviews
- Essay on Joy Harjo's "Perhaps the World Ends Here" for the Poetry Society of America's Reading in the Dark Series, 2021.
- Contemporary Indigenous American Poetry in Cambridge History of Native American Literature, Ed. Melanie Benson Taylor, 2020.
- "A Tribute to Janice Gould," in Studies in American Indian Literatures, 2019.
- “Generations of poetry bound together”: A Conversation with Native Voices Co-Editors CMarie Fuhrman & Dean Rader by Kristina Marie Darling in Kenyon Review, 2019.
- "Dean Rader and CMarie Fuhrman on Native Voices" in Best American Poetry Blog, 2021.
- Review of Layli Long Soldier, Whereas, in Ploughshares, 2017.
- (A formally wacky) review of Tommy Pico, IRL, in Kenyon Review Online, 2017.
- Review of Jordan Abel's Injun in Kenyon Review Online, 2017.
- "Contemporary Native American Poetry Essentials" in Ploughshares, 2016.
- Review. Orlando White, LETTERRS, On the Seawall, 2016.
- Review of Jeanetta Calhoun Mish,What I Learned at the War, in Kenyon Review Online, 2016.
- Reading the Visual, Seeing the Verbal: Text and Image in Recent American Indian Literature and Art, in The Oxford Handbook of Indigenous American Literature, Eds. Daniel Justice and James Cox, 2014.
- Review of Jennifer Elise Foerster, Leaving Tulsa, in Huffington Post, 2014.
- "'This is the World Without End:' American Indian Poetry 1980-2010" in American Indians & American Popular Culture. Volume 2, Chapter 10, 2012.
- The Relentless Throat Call: Louise Erdrich and Poetic Voice, in Critical Insights: Louise Erdrich, Ed. P. Jane Hafen, 2012.
- Review of Molly McGlennen, Fried Fish and Flour Biscuits, in Studies in American Indian Literature, 2012
- "Indigenous Semiotics and Shared Modernity" in Visualities: Perspectives on Contemporary American Indian Film and Art, Ed. Denise Cummings, 2011.
- Contemporary American Indian Prose Poetry: When Function Invents Form. Introduction to the special edition of Sentence, devoted to Indigenous American Prose Poetry, 2010.
- "Four Contemporary American Indian Poets You May Not Know But Should," in The Best American Poetry Blog, 2010.
- "British Publisher Touts American Indian Poets." Essay on the Salt Earthworks Series in The San Francisco Chronicle, September 2008.
- "An Ensemble Performance of Indians in the Act: Native Theater Past and Present," LeAnne Howe, Harvey Markowitz, Craig Howe, and Dean Rader in Studies in American Indian Literatures, 2004.
- Review. The Dirt is Red Here: Art and Poetry from Native California in Studies in American Indian Literature, 2004.
- Speak to Me Words: Essays on Contemporary American Indian Poetry, Eds Dean Rader & Janice Gould, University of Arizona Press, 2003.
- Word As Weapon: Visual Culture and American Indian Poetry, in MELUS, 2002.
- Relationality and American Indian Literature, in MELUS, 2002